Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Police in America

We need police, there has to be some way to enforce the laws in this country, in our individual states. I am a law abiding citizen who does not break the law… well maybe a traffic law or two. I should have no reason to hate the police, but I really hate them. I can’t stand them, because of the mentality they possess and the power trip that possesses them. In my experience women cops are the worst. You don’t have to be mean to maintain authority and if you do maybe you shouldn’t be a cop. How do we fix this police power trip? For one, people need to better educate themselves of their rights and police need to have stricter punishments for infringing on them. Better screening of police recruits needs to be in place; some of these people want to be police just to have power over others. Maybe daddy beat them every Wednesday with the garden hose, maybe Uncle George should not have been the one babysitting them, or maybe Big Billy took there lunch money every day. It’s the most powerful job you can get with limited education required. I am tired of hearing the stories of police not following traffic laws, roughing up people, and abusing their power. Here are some of the latest stories.




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