Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The pot calling the kettle an elitist…

Remember the old sane it takes one to know one. I don’t know Hillary’s true beliefs on the issues, no one does. She takes positions that she thinks are the most popular. What is clear is she is pompous and demeaning every time she opens her mouth. The first thing on my mind when Obama made his bitter comment was not what an Elitist, but maybe what a Democrat. Then it occurred to me why Hilary used the term “Elitist”. I don’t hang out with elitists; I don’t run around with the one hundred million dollar a year crowd. She knows how an elitist thinks about the common folk because they are her friends, she is one of them. She will mold herself into whatever she thinks people want at the time for her own political gain. She is not running for president because she believes what she is saying, she is running to be president because she wants to be The President. Let’s face it they’re both “Elitist”. I do think Obama has a little Paul Wellstone in him and believes in his socialist agenda. He thinks he is going to save the poor and unhappy with his magical government programs. That makes him very dangerous to the free market and the low taxes us republicans want. If we have to have a Democrat win this year maybe we should be hoping for Clinton? I think I just puked a little in my mouth.


Important principles may, and must, be inflexible. Abraham Lincoln

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