Thursday, May 8, 2008

The media showed everyone who the real leader of the Democratic Party is and crowned a winner.

Anyone sick of these two yet? Apparently the media is because they seem to have crowned a winner. Obama is most likely to be the nominee. I really hope it’s not an Obama-Clinton ticket. I’d really like to see her just go away. I’m normally concerned about the issues not the individual. I never understood how people could hate Bush so much; I mean they loath Bush, obviously people have different views and politics, but why hate him. Well, now I see how it can happen because that woman makes my skin crawl. If it is true and Obama is the nominee, I can’t say I’m not happy to see Clinton go. I know there has been a republican push for her to win because they feel the party will unite against her, but what if it back fired. What if we had to listen to that women talk and laugh for at least 4 more years? I don’t think I could mentally handle it. I might need some professional help. Besides Obama vs. McCain might play out better then they think. Obama has no experience running anything bigger then a lemonade stand. When McCain gets into the spot light after this circus is over, voters are going to see he is different then Bush. If they can let go of there hate for Bush long enough, they might see this war logically and start to understand the consequences of pulling out. Giving up and going home might not be such a popular idea. Also, things are constantly changing in Iraq, if things start turning around closer to the election everyone would expect Hillary to flip flop, but if Obama does it will be a real question to his character. If he didn’t and wanted to still pull out despite the realization of an obtainable victory, it might cause concern that his planned pull out is strictly for political reasons and not for the good of the country.

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